By Watut Reporter
President of the Union of Watut River Communities(UoWRC) Association
Incorporated Mr Reuben Mete has brushed aside criticism made against his
organization (UoWRC) and warned recycle politicians intending to contest the
Watut and Wampar LLG President seat not to used Watut River Issues as a campaign
platform to lure peoples support for the next years Local Level Government
Council Election.
Mr Mete made this known today when addressing the members of the UoWRC in Middle
Watut Region, The President of UoWRC was responding Mr Gewisa Tukwund of Leklu
village and Markham Bridge Councilor Douglas Gedisa statement published on the
National Newspaper earlier this week. Mr Mete has claimed that both Tukwund and
Gedisa have recently formed and are heading two new organization duplicating the
work of the Union of Watut River Communities Association Inc and
warned communities of Watut and Wampar to be careful of other political
leaders establishing organizations after organization and should study well the
person they are following. Mr Tukwund is the Chairman of the recent launched
Upper Watut Impact Association and Mr Gedisa is the Chairman of the newly formed
Wampar Union.
"The Middle Watut communities are very much affected by these mining operations
in Hidden Valley and I invite Mr Tukwund and Mr Gedisa to visit the place
themselves before making unsubstantial statement to the media. The UoWRC has
initially trying to work hand in hand to assist the Wampar Union faction to see
its establishment however this shall no continue anymore" Mete said.
In addition to that, Mr Mete has thank Hon Pundari in trying to address mining
related issues around the country including the Watut River Pollution and
assures the representative to the recent meeting were Executive Members of the
UoWRC organization and not for any family affairs. He also thank
the Mineral Resources Authorities and the print media to publicize the meeting
resolutions so that transparency and honesty will prevail and that self centered
leaders cannot have rooms for misleading the people.